Tuesday 28 July 2015


Many years ago, John D. Rockefeller was one of the richest men in the world. For all practical purposes, his money was virtually limitless. Once, an interviewer asked him, “How much money is enough?”
Rockefeller replied, “Just a little bit more!”
As outrageous as it sounds, haven’t we all been there? Whatever our income level, we think to ourselves, If only I had just a little bit more…Then, at last, our budget would have some breathing room and we will be satisfied with our finances.
But Rockefeller’s response pokes a hole in that theory. The truth is, control over money has less to do with how much we make, and a lot more to do with how we manage what we have. Financial health is important not only to our bank balance but to the atmosphere in our home. More marriages have blown apart over financial issues than almost any other factor.
To Jesus, our attitude towards money is of utmost importance, because it is a reflection of our attitude towards God.
Everything we have comes from God. He owns it, and He entrusts it to us to use for His purposes. True financial success comes not from accumulating a large surplus in our bank account, but from following God’s plan for our finances. As we do this, He will provide for all of our needs.
Are money problems rearing their ugly head and causing tension in your family? Has it been difficult for you to manage your finances and to know where you really stand? If so, consider this simple three-step plan to successful money management.
1. Give to God first
As Christians, our first financial priority, just as in every other area of life, should be God and His work. The issue of managing all of our gifts including our finances is of great importance to God. Figuring out how much to give as a minimum is fairly easy, as the Bible instructs us to give a tithe, or one tenth or our income back to God.
Now, you may be thinking: How can we possibly do that when we are already struggling to make ends meet? I thought you were going to tell us how to get out of financial trouble, not make it worse!
The truth is there will never be “enough” to give. If we wait until all of our needs and desires are met before we start to give, it will never happen. In fact, statistics show that in Canada, the more a person makes, the less they are likely to give, percentage-wise. The more we have, the more we think we need.
It is interesting, but people today talk very little about their actual salary or how much they are worth. Like all secrets, this gives far more power to money than it actually deserves. Similarly, and more properly, people who tithe do not go around boasting about it. But I would like to challenge you to ask people you trust whether or not they tithe. If they do tithe, ask them about their experience. In all my discussions with people about money I have never heard anyone say that their financial problems started or got worse once they started to tithe. On the contrary, people who tithe seem to be better off than those who don’t. It is one of the many mysteries of how God works.
2. Set aside funds for regular savings
An important second step is to establish the discipline of setting aside money for inevitable expenses and large purchases, such as the down payment for a home, college education, vacations and retirement. This will allow you to spend from cash resources and eliminate the need to borrow when that is not wise. You will be surprised by how much can be accumulated by a simple but disciplined savings program.
Do not plan your savings after you plan your spending, because experience shows that those who try this rarely succeed. You may decide to make this a percentage of your income, and this will probably change as you go through the various stages of life. All financial planners will tell you that the sooner you start saving the more you will be able to save, so plan to start right now.
The issue of savings is one that requires a balanced perspective. The Bible makes it clear that we are supposed to save, but it never tells us how much is too much or too little. The purpose of saving is to provide for legitimate future needs, and for some it will allow you to become one of those special people who can fund important needs of others.
3. Spend the rest on what you need
The key to good money management is expense management. We need to learn to live below our means and be content with what God has given us. This is hard for all of us, but it is an important life lesson. The key is to develop a good budget, which is basically a spending plan. Invest the time in learning to use helpful tools, such as a computer spreadsheet or a financial program. If you have never had a budget, spend two or three months tracking your spending. Try keeping a log every time you spend money so that you can improve your budget understanding. Then examine your habits and determine how you would like to proceed and where you need to cut back.
Be committed to this plan and do not be discouraged if you do not see results for the first two or three months. It takes time to break old habits, and if you have gotten yourself into a financial hole it will take time to dig back out. Be patient and stick to your budget spending, because it really does work.
Finally, two more important points to consider:
1.    Always discuss finances as a couple. One spouse likely has more financial skills than the other and will naturally take the lead, but this is no excuse for the other spouse not to be involved in the family financial situation. You both need to understand the issues that you are facing, and make decisions as a team. Financial problems are listed as a major cause of strife in the marriage relationship, and it often starts when one partner is being kept in the dark.
2.    If you have financial problems, seek help before it is too late. Financial problems can be solved but it often means changes, some of which may not be that easy. A qualified financial planner can help you identify the problem areas and think through solutions that will work for your family.
Above all, listen to what God may be saying to you through your financial circumstances. Finances can be a dividing factor in marriage, but they can also bring you together in a new and deeper way, as you trust God together and follow His plan.

Tuesday 21 July 2015


A will, in a layman is language is a legal document that explains what you want to happen to your money and possessions after you die. This is often more formally called a last will and testament.
The idea of writing a will is not new to Nigerians. It has always existed even in the pre-colonial era. There was no formal education in those days.
In those days, people make their will verbally before death, in those days it was widely believed that people died at old age and to an extent it worked for them. These days, we have people die at a very young age due to the stress and environmental hazards. Civilization is good but it has its own negative contributions.
No one wants to think of the possibility of death, that is, his/her own death. But death, they say, is inevitable. No matter how much we avoid talking about it, we will all leave this world someday. Research has shown that less than 10% of Nigerians have their will clearly written. It is advisable to make sure that your family and other loved ones are provided for if anything happens to you.
In writing a will, your property and possessions will include everything you own including land, houses, vehicles, bank accounts, jewellery, shares, etc. A will is the only way you can ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your death.
It is not enough writing a will. You must ensure your will is valid. A valid will is a will that is accepted by the court and put into effect by the court granting what is known as probate. Probate is approval or acceptance by the court of how your assets are to be dealt with.
A valid will must have the following features:
·         It must be witnessed by at least two witnesses at the time of signing.
·         It must bear your signature at the end of the document
·         It must be in writing: handwritten, typed or printed.
Please bear in mind that in choosing these witnesses for your will, it is always better looking for someone who has integrity and the fear of God. A lot of people have had their will not properly executed at death because they were surrounded by sycophants and gullible people. Also bear in mind that it is not advisable to have a beneficiary as a witness.
You may so much love and trust your brother that you want him as a executor of your will, but I can tell you that no matter how much you think he loves you now, it takes God to see a man who will be loyal to you once you close your eyes in death. Even very rich relations have taken things from the family of their late brother and added to the much they already have, leaving the children and the widow to suffer.
In choosing an executor to your will, please make sure you seek professional advice and do away with sentiments. It is always better going for a very neutral person. The executor of your will can be a lawyer that you have so much confidence in. It is unfortunate that so many lawyers of our time are gullible and lack integrity. They can sell you for a mere N200,000. You can also go for an old friend who has no serious attachment to your family and who has proven integrity.
So many Nigerian men are indirectly polygamous. They live with their wives and act very spiritual and committed to the relationship. Some of them have uncountable number of children outside the home. It is only at death you see different women coming up with their children to claim the assets. If you live such a life, having a will protects your children at death.
Nigeria is a country filled with sycophants. However you do it is okay by them because all they are interested in is your pocket. The moment you run into bankruptcy or death comes knocking, you will know that the so called love is hatred in disguise.
Dont make the mistake of trusting relatives so much with your will. Those brothers acting to love your children and wife so much are doing that just to impress you and win your trust. Some of them don’t even talk to your wife in your absence. But the moment you show up, they over-pamper them.
Death is no longer by age. Nobody knows when death will come calling. Prepare for your children and wife before you leave this world. Remember your female children are as important as the male ones. I have come to realise that female children take better care of their parents at old age more than the male does. Don’t ignore your daughter in your will.